Timmy's Chicago Crime Blotter

Saturday, March 17, 2012

100 Kids In Front Of Store @ Adams/Laramie

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:34pm. It's a pretty cloudy evening with temps in the low to mid 70s. It's a mid March evening, yet it feels like late July. It's a part of this warm spell we've had for a week now. I don't like it when it's this humid, but this is better than it being cold. Plus, as a crime blogger, it spices things up for me. I'm monitoring only Zone 12 this evening, as I have been for a week or so. I promise to get back to other Zones soon. It's just that my other radio is down. Here's crime for this evening.

7:35pm - Disturbance. Adams and Laramie. 100 kids in front of the store.

7:43pm - Gang disturbance. Leamington and Dickens. Group throwing up signs and loitering on the corner.

7:51pm - Shots Fired. 10XX N Lavergne. Four heard from a fight outside.

7:52pm - Shots Fired. Thomas and Lavergne.

7:54pm - A slow down is being given on the 7:51/7:52pm jobs. No one's out there.

8:03pm - Animal abuse. 1XX N Lockwood. People fighting animals.

8:12pm - Assault in progress. Mayfield and Potomac. 30 males about to fight.

8:13pm - Loud music disturbance. On 2521's Beat.

8:14pm - Shots Fired. Altgeld and Lavergne. Five shots fired by a male with a black shirt and navy blue shorts.

8:17pm - A slow down is being given on the 8:14pm job. An officer talked to a couple of citizens and they said they haven't heard anything.

8:19pm - Battery. Oak Park and Armitage. Known male hit the caller.

8:20pm - Gang disturbance. 17XX N Keystone. They're out in front.

8:22pm - Gang disturbance. 15XX N Keystone.

8:28pm - Disturbance. 5921 W Division. 20 kids in the doorway.

8:31pm - Disturbance. 5500 W Quincy.

8:33pm - 1) Assault in progress. Montana and Lamon. Caller's in the parking lot, in their car, being threatened by someone. 2) Battery in progress. 49XX W Wellington. Gangbangers fighting, someone's bleeding from the face. 3) Battery in progress. Lamon and Wellington.

8:37pm - 1) Suspicious person. 4300 W McLean. Kids playing with fire. 2) Loud music disturbance. 4000 block of W Kamerling. 3) Traffic control. 3845 W North Ave. 4) They're calling back on the 8:12pm job.

8:51pm - Shots Fired. 2100 N Kildare.

9:06pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 47XX W McLean.

9:13pm - Burglar report. 5XX N Austin. Caller says someone dumped olive oil on the floor. Caller no longer wants CPD, though.

9:16pm - 1) Person wanted. 20XX N Tripp. 2) Vice complaint. On 2534's Beat. 3) Shots Fired. 5500 W Congress. Coming from teens that were just fighting on the street. 4) They're calling AGAIN on the 8:12pm job.

9:21pm - 5500 Congress is coded.

9:25pm - 1) They're calling back on the 8:51pm job. 2) Gang disturbance. Meade and Dickens. 3) Disturbance. 14XX N Avers. 4) Loud music disturbance. 49XX W Dickens.

9:30pm - Foot chase. 4800 block of W Quincy.

9:32pm - They lost their suspect.

9:36pm - Gang disturbance. Wabansia and Keystone. They're out there again. They've been calling all evening.

9:38pm - Check the well being. 5XX N Lavergne. Doctor who used to work at MacNeal Hospital out in the southwest suburbs called the caller and is thinking about killing himself.

9:39pm - EMS run. 5XX N Leamington. Possible overdose. Ambulance 10 is on scene.

9:40pm - Just so everyone knows, but there's a lot of problems going on in the 1200 block of N Mayfield with a large group of 50 to 60 people drinking, partying, gambling, etc.

9:41pm - Vice complaint, parker and music disturbance all on 1513's Beat.

9:44pm - Battery in progress. 3XX N Pine. People fighting.

9:48pm - Shots Fired/Battery in progress. 5500 W Van Buren. Five shots heard in the area. There's also a large crowd fighting.

9:52pm - A slow down is being given on the 9:48pm job.

9:53pm - A complete disregard is being given on the 9:48pm job.

10:00pm - Loud music disturbance. 52XX W Van Buren.

10:01pm - 1) Narcotics. XX S Mayfield. Males drinking and selling drugs. 2) Narcotics. 50XX W Washington. Lots of drug traffic in the building.

10:02pm - They're calling back at the Meade/Dickens call.

10:03pm - 1) Disturbance. McVicker and Wabansia. People drinking and smoking. 2) Gang disturbance. Belden and Lawler. Six of them out there, causing problems.

10:04pm - Disturbance. 31XX N Luna. People outside making too much noise.

10:05pm - Disturbance. 16XX N Lockwood. Seven males sitting on a parked vehicle in front.

10:10pm - 1) Disturbance. 54XX W Ferdinand. 20 to 25 people in front, on the driveway. Caller wants them removed. 2) Disturbance. Mason and Iowa. 50 kids blocking the street and drinking.

10:11pm - Vice complaint. 9XX N Latrobe. Drinking and loud music.

10:13pm - Battery in progress. Van Buren and Lotus. Big fight. Related to the 9:48pm job.

10:14pm - Parkers. 62XX W Wrightwood and 21XX N Montior.

10:16pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 46XX W Belden. Loud party. 2) Parker. 42XX W Dickens. 3) Loud music disturbance. 14XX N Avers.

10:18pm - Narcotics. Mason and Madison. Nine people selling in the rear of a daycare center.

10:19pm - Traffic accident. 18XX N Mason.

10:21pm - Disturbance. 4800 block of W Cortez. People drinking and dancing.

10:22pm - 1) Parker. 49XX W Iowa. 2) Loud music disturbance. 15XX N Kostner.

10:25pm - Parker. 11XX N Leamington.

10:34pm - 1) Commercial alarm. 4355 W Armitage. 2) Robbery. 5200 W Lexington. Two female Whites were carjacked. Guess they were coming off the Eisenhower Expressway.

10:37pm - Assault in progress. 15XX N Lawndale. People threatening each other in the gangway.

10:46pm - Narcotics. 52XX W Quincy. Three male Blacks, two in white t-shirts and one in a black t-shirt, and blue jeans, are selling in front. They're leaning up on the gate and keep the drugs in the east gangway.

10:47pm - Disturbance. 14XX N Springfield. Teens being noisy.

10:57pm - Battery in progress. North and Lawndale. 13 people fighting. This is related to the 15XX Lawndale job from earlier.

10:58pm - Beat 2540 is at the 10:57pm job and he's got some teens fighting on the corner. This might be from a party.

10:59pm - A disregard is being given on the 10:57pm job. They're dispersing. 19P.

11:01pm - Battery in progress. 4XX N LeClaire. Several people beating up the cousin.

11:08pm - Suspicious vehicle. 23XX N Rutherford. Unknown people in a white van that's parked in the handicap spot. Caller wants them ticketed and removed.

11:12pm - 1) Traffic accident. 5700 W Roosevelt. Property damage only. 2) Disturbance. 50XX W Monroe. Six to eight unknown males loitering by the doorway. 3) Traffic accident. 4XX N Leamington. 4) Loud music disturbance. 5100 W Fulton.

11:15pm - Battery in progress. 20XX N Tripp. About 10 males out in front fighting with baseball bats.

11:16pm - Beat 2565David has a traffic stop at 6040 W Fullerton.

11:17pm - A slow down is being given on the 11:15pm job. EMS is needed, though. One male's hurt. Ambulance 93 and Engine 35 are enroute.

11:18pm - Disturbance. Monitor and Wabansia. People loitering.

11:20pm - 1) Beat car 1522R is on a street stop at Adams and Lockwood. 2) Battery. XX N Lockwood. Something about the dad getting hit and a door kicked in.

11:21pm - Beat 1552 wants another unit to ride with them over to the XX Lockwood call, with a taser. There were some problems at the address earlier.

11:22pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. 21XX N Mulligan. Car's been double parked in front for at least 40 minutes. 2) Gambling. 1600 N Monitor. 3) Vice complaints going on Beat 2561David's PDT.

11:24pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Moody and Fullerton. They're throwing bottles. 2) Parker. 66XX W Belden.

11:25pm - A slow down is being given at XX N Lockwood.

11:26pm - Criminal trespass. 14XX N Harding. Uninvited guest came into the caller's house during a gathering.

11:27pm - 1) Disturbance. 20XX N Long. Neighbors making too much noise. 2) Curfew violator. 3100 N Linder. 3) Gang disturbance. 5726 W Grand. They're trying to get into the bar.

11:28pm - Beat 1561Boy is getting stuff on their PDT. Sellings, vices, etc.

11:29pm - 1) Disturbance. 8XX N Latrobe. Two men in front yelling. 2) Parker. 11XX N Lavergne.

11:30pm - 1) Theft report. 58XX W Superior. 2) Loud music disturbances. On 2534R's Beat.

11:31pm - Loud music disturbance. 46XX W Wrightwood.

11:38pm - Loud music disturbance. 53XX W Oakdale.

11:40pm - Narcotics. Congress and Lockwood. Heavy drug sales occurring. People are blocking the street.

11:42pm - 1) Disturbance. Lockwood and Chicago. People talking loudly and blocking traffic. 2) Loud music disturbance. 20XX N Lockwood.

11:43pm - Disturbance. 5133 W North Ave. Group of people in front refusing to leave.

11:44pm - Loud music disturbance. 25XX N McVicker.

11:45pm - Disturbance. 15XX N Ridgeway.

11:47pm - Loud music disturbance. On 1532R's Beat.

11:49pm - Commercial alarm. 4944 W Grand.

11:52pm - Gang disturbance. 50XX W Monroe. Group throwing bottles.

11:53pm - 1) Disturbance. Midway Park and Mayfield. Lots of people being loud. 2) Disturbance. Huron and Cicero. Teens blocking up traffic.

11:55pm - 1) Disturbance. 55XX W Drummond. Neighbor argument with a teen crying in the backyard. 2) Loud music disturbance. 100 block of N Pine. Teens playing loud music. 3) Loud music disturbance. 20XX N Lockwood.

11:56pm - 1) Disturbance. 5921 W Division. People drinking. 2) Beat car 1512R is on a traffic stop at and . 3) Loud music disturbance. 1500 N Kolin. Loud party.

11:57pm - Disturbance. 5050 W Chicago. Female in front of the gas station causing problems.

11:59pm - 1524R has a traffic stop at Pine and Washington. Another car needed because there's four heads in the car.



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