Foot Patrol On North Ave., Check The Well Being On Monitor
Good afternoon, everyone, it's 12:07pm. It's a partly cloudy day with temps in the lower 80s. I'm monitoring Zone 12 today. I'm monitoring other Zones around 7:30pm. Here's crime.
12:09pm - Beat car 2531 is doing foot patrol at 5832 W North Ave.
12:23pm - Check the well being. 22XX N Monitor.
12:37pm - Suspicious vehicle. 2520 N Narragansett. Male White in a black Ford is watching people with binoculars. He's in the Jewel's parking lot.
12:48pm - Beat 2562Charlie is taking one in from 3609 W Grand for narcotics, and an RD number is being pulled. It's HV347413 with the event number of 08606.
1:32pm - Battery in progress. 49XX W Ferdinand. Group of males pulled another one out of a car and are beating him in the street.
1:35pm - Beat 1551 needs another car. Beat car 1532 and Beat 1552 are going, in addition to 1556, who was assigned to ride with 1551.
1:36pm - Commercial alarm. 6019 W Fullerton.
1:48pm - Gang disturbance. Grand and Narragansett. Five males running around flashing gang signs.
2:05pm - Person down. 2824 N Oak Park. In front of the Locke school.
3:46pm - Beat car 1523 has a traffic stop at 5150 W Chicago.
3:52pm - Gang disturbance. Hermosa Park.
4:14pm - 1) EMS run. 1XX N Latrobe. TV fell on a two year old. 2) Beat car 1533 has a street stop at Jackson and Cicero. Event number is 13472.
4:22pm - Beat 1562Charlie needs an event number for a narcotics loitering arrest event number from 1XX N LaPorte. It's 12713.
4:25pm - Parker and loiters on 1522's Beat.
4:26pm - Disturbance. 4338 W North Ave. 17 year old male in front is harassing people and won't leave.
4:27pm - Selling and vice complaint on 1562Eddie's PDT.
4:28pm - Beat 2562David is dispersing three for gang loitering from 16XX N Mason. Console time is 16:28 and the event number is 12846.
4:32pm - Beat 2562 needs an event number for a post-shooting mission. It's 12942.
4:36pm - 1) They just called back on the Hermosa Park gang disturbance. The ten gangbangers came back after Beat car 2523 dispersed them. 2) Parker. On 1513's Beat.
4:40pm - Beat 2510 is doing a park check at Rils. Event number is 13124.
4:44pm - Suspicious person. Marmora and Belden. Six male Blacks running into the neighbor's yards, they don't live around there. Two are on bikes. They were last seen heading north towards Fullerton.
4:50pm - Beat car 2532 has a street stop at Palmer and Meade.
4:55pm - 1523 has a traffic stop at Lotus and Monroe.
4:57pm - They're calling yet again from Hermosa Park about ten to 15 gangbangers on the south end of the park.
5:01pm - Beat car 1511 has a street stop at 1XX N Parkside.
5:04pm - Person w/ a gun. 12XX N Keeler. Male Black teenager with a white t-shirt and blue pants has a gun. There's a fight going on too, apparently.
5:09pm - A slow down is being given on the 5:04pm job per 2534.
5:10pm - Beat 1541 has a street stop at Huron and Laramie.
5:11pm - Disturbance and narcotics call on North Ave., in the Conflict Zone (Beats 2531 and 2532).
5:12pm - Commercial alarm. 4723 W Belmont.
5:20pm - For the fourth time, they're calling at Hermosa Park.
5:25pm - Disturbance. 48XX W Concord. Boys have a basketball net in the middle of the street and they refuse to take it down. They also refuse to yield to traffic.
5:28pm - Foot chase. Foot chase. Parkside and Madison. In the west alley.
5:30pm - The officers involved in the 5:28pm foot chase are at XX N Parkside. Beat 1572 is pulling up.
5:31pm - A slow down is being given on the foot chase.
5:32pm - Beat 1520 is giving a disregard on Parkside.
5:36pm - 1) Information for the CPD and parker on 1513's Beat. 2) Backlog in 15 at 17:36 hours.
5:37pm - Hold-up alarm. 5XX N Laramie.
5:39pm - Disturbance. 55XX W Flournoy. Males throwing tunder over the fence so that they roll onto the Eisenhower Expressway.
5:41pm - Missing person report. 49XX W Gladys. 16 year old was last seen yesterday at 22:30 hours (10:30pm).
5:45pm - Gang disturbance. 1700 N Luna.
5:46pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Oak Park. East towards Rutherford, a burgundy car side-swiped the caller's work truck.
5:52pm - 1) Found person. Laramie and Jackson. Found 3 year old. 2) 1523 has a street stop at 55XX W. Monroe, they're taking one in for a warrant as well.
5:53pm - Beat 2550 has Beats 2546 and 2548 detailed to the Conflict Zone, and he'd like an event number for it. It's 14771. He'd also like an event number for a curfew mission. That's 14775.
6:09pm - Burglar report and narcotics complaint on 2532's Beat.
6:16pm - Beat car 2534 is doing something at 42XX W. Haddon, and just heard six shots east of their location. Possibly around Division or Thomas and Keeler.
6:26pm - Holding the offender. 5001 W Madison.
6:36pm - Beat 2548 is taking one in from a street stop at 6200 W North Ave.
6:39pm - Shots Fired. Central and Jackson. Group shooting at another group running towards Columbus Park.
6:40pm - Robbery. Chicago and Cicero. At the Marathon gas station.
6:41pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 49XX W Altgeld. 34 year old bi-polar brother is going crazy.
6:50pm - Battery in progress. 4804 W Madison. Four to five people fighting at the Mobile gas station.
6:51pm - Foot chase. Foot chase. 3XX N Latrobe. Male Black, short dreads, 16 years old, black hat, white tanktop and black jeans is running south in the alley towards Fulton. Beat 1567 is chasing.
6:52pm - 1567 lost the offender in the 100 block of Latrobe. Last seen heading south. He went in one of the yards. Beat 1567Charlie is now on scene as well.
6:53pm - The offender was last spotted in the yards around 139 on Lockwood.
6:54pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Rils Park. 2) Beat 1567Adam is taking one in from a street stop at 5255 W. Madison, and is pulling an RD number for a "1821". It's HV347999 with the event number of 16200.
6:55pm - 1522 possibly saw a guy run into 148 on Latrobe who has a similiar description to 1567's offender.
7:00pm - Panic alarm. 50XX W Oakdale.
7:01pm - Battery. XX N Latrobe. Caller was attacked by the 3rd floor neighbors.
7:03pm - 1) Battery. 14XX N Kolin. Caller was hit by the landlord. 2) Beat 1571 has a traffic stop at 50XX W Quincy.
7:12pm - 1) Disturbance. 2100 block of N Lorel. Neighbors arguing. 2) Theft. 2200 N Cicero. At the car shop. A biege car was just stolen from there and went south on Cicero towards Dickens.
7:17pm - Wanted from the 2200 Cicero call is a male Black, 28 years old, black tanktop and black jeans.
7:21pm - Assault in progress. 2550 N Cicero. Person threatening the manager at the auto shop.
7:24pm - Beat car 2515 has a street stop at Linder and Drummond.
7:35pm - Narcotics. Maypole and LaPorte.
7:36pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Harding and Potomac. MLDs on the corner drinking. 2) Disturbance. 300 S Cicero. At the Citgo.
7:38pm - Foot chase. Foot chase. Lockwood and Madison. Running towards Monroe. Beat 1567Boy is in pursuit. Male Black, white shirt and blue jeans.
7:39pm - Now running towards Adams on Lockwood.
7:40pm - He's in one of the yards near Adams and Lockwood.
7:41pm - South again on Lockwoood, towards Jackson.
7:42pm - 1) Offender is in custody. 5241 W Adams. 2) Gang disturbance. Harrison Park. 15 to 20 males in white, red and black are drinking, throwing up gang signs, shouting gang slogans and doing drugs.
7:46pm - Burglar alarm. 8XX W Catalpa.
7:48pm - 10-1. 10-1. North Avenue Beach. Beat 41Charlie82Lincoln has a 10-1 over at the beach. All available cars in 18, as well as in 1, are advised to go.
7:49pm - A slow down is being given at the beach. Beat car 1814 and Beat 1863Boy are on scene and they have 41C82L.
7:50pm - Another slow down being given at the beach.
7:53pm - Found person. 4615 N Clifton. At the shelter. Five year old child was left there by his mother.
7:58pm - Barking dog. 41XX W Potomac.
8:08pm - Gang disturbance. Springfield and Potomac. Group harassing people out there.
8:38pm - Narcotics. Van Buren and Central.
8:48pm - Battery report. 50XX W Washington.
9:00pm - Police Helicopter 2 is pulling event numbers from 12XX N Mason and 13XX N Lorel. Mason is 19111 and Lorel is 19122.
9:39pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 15XX N LeClaire. Group in front. 2) Gang disturbance. 48XX W Deming.
10:02pm - Battery in progress. 5400 W Monroe. Group of five people fighting.
10:05pm - 1) A disregard is being given on the 10:02pm job per PH 2. Event number is 20351. 2) PH 2 is pulling event numbers for 56XX W. Washington, 2XX N Lavergne and 10XX N Lavergne. Washington is 20727 and the two Lavergnes are 20730 and 20737, respectively.
10:07pm - Shots Fired. 5908 W North Ave. Three shots fired.
10:14pm - Battery in progress. LeClarie and Washington. 20 males fighting in the street.
10:16pm - Shots Fired. North and Central Park. Three shots fired.
10:19pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:16pm job.
10:30pm - Beat 2546 has about 30 people fighting at Laramie and North Ave., in the BP gas station. More cars needed.
10:31pm - Multiple calls are popping up for 2546's incident. Battery in progress. Large fight going on near the intersection.
10:33pm - A slow down is being given at 2546's location per 2550.
10:35pm - Uh oh. Not good. I'm getting reports of a traffic pursuit that are coming towards the 15th District via the Eisenhower Expressway. CPD is in pursuit of a red motorcycle who's occupant is wanted for aggravated battery to a P.O. West on I-290 from California. Beat car 131Robert is in pursuit.
10:36pm - Now passing Kostner on I-290.
10:37pm - Passing Austin on I-290, going into Oak Park and Forest Park.
10:39pm - They lost the motorcycle. Eisenhower Expressway and Harlem. Last seen headed towards 1st Avenue.
10:40pm - Battery in progress. 1400 N LeClaire. About 300 people fighting on the corner, massive brawl.
10:43pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:40pm job. There's no fight going on.
10:45pm - Narcotics. Leamington and Gladys.
12:09pm - Beat car 2531 is doing foot patrol at 5832 W North Ave.
12:23pm - Check the well being. 22XX N Monitor.
12:37pm - Suspicious vehicle. 2520 N Narragansett. Male White in a black Ford is watching people with binoculars. He's in the Jewel's parking lot.
12:48pm - Beat 2562Charlie is taking one in from 3609 W Grand for narcotics, and an RD number is being pulled. It's HV347413 with the event number of 08606.
1:32pm - Battery in progress. 49XX W Ferdinand. Group of males pulled another one out of a car and are beating him in the street.
1:35pm - Beat 1551 needs another car. Beat car 1532 and Beat 1552 are going, in addition to 1556, who was assigned to ride with 1551.
1:36pm - Commercial alarm. 6019 W Fullerton.
1:48pm - Gang disturbance. Grand and Narragansett. Five males running around flashing gang signs.
2:05pm - Person down. 2824 N Oak Park. In front of the Locke school.
3:46pm - Beat car 1523 has a traffic stop at 5150 W Chicago.
3:52pm - Gang disturbance. Hermosa Park.
4:14pm - 1) EMS run. 1XX N Latrobe. TV fell on a two year old. 2) Beat car 1533 has a street stop at Jackson and Cicero. Event number is 13472.
4:22pm - Beat 1562Charlie needs an event number for a narcotics loitering arrest event number from 1XX N LaPorte. It's 12713.
4:25pm - Parker and loiters on 1522's Beat.
4:26pm - Disturbance. 4338 W North Ave. 17 year old male in front is harassing people and won't leave.
4:27pm - Selling and vice complaint on 1562Eddie's PDT.
4:28pm - Beat 2562David is dispersing three for gang loitering from 16XX N Mason. Console time is 16:28 and the event number is 12846.
4:32pm - Beat 2562 needs an event number for a post-shooting mission. It's 12942.
4:36pm - 1) They just called back on the Hermosa Park gang disturbance. The ten gangbangers came back after Beat car 2523 dispersed them. 2) Parker. On 1513's Beat.
4:40pm - Beat 2510 is doing a park check at Rils. Event number is 13124.
4:44pm - Suspicious person. Marmora and Belden. Six male Blacks running into the neighbor's yards, they don't live around there. Two are on bikes. They were last seen heading north towards Fullerton.
4:50pm - Beat car 2532 has a street stop at Palmer and Meade.
4:55pm - 1523 has a traffic stop at Lotus and Monroe.
4:57pm - They're calling yet again from Hermosa Park about ten to 15 gangbangers on the south end of the park.
5:01pm - Beat car 1511 has a street stop at 1XX N Parkside.
5:04pm - Person w/ a gun. 12XX N Keeler. Male Black teenager with a white t-shirt and blue pants has a gun. There's a fight going on too, apparently.
5:09pm - A slow down is being given on the 5:04pm job per 2534.
5:10pm - Beat 1541 has a street stop at Huron and Laramie.
5:11pm - Disturbance and narcotics call on North Ave., in the Conflict Zone (Beats 2531 and 2532).
5:12pm - Commercial alarm. 4723 W Belmont.
5:20pm - For the fourth time, they're calling at Hermosa Park.
5:25pm - Disturbance. 48XX W Concord. Boys have a basketball net in the middle of the street and they refuse to take it down. They also refuse to yield to traffic.
5:28pm - Foot chase. Foot chase. Parkside and Madison. In the west alley.
5:30pm - The officers involved in the 5:28pm foot chase are at XX N Parkside. Beat 1572 is pulling up.
5:31pm - A slow down is being given on the foot chase.
5:32pm - Beat 1520 is giving a disregard on Parkside.
5:36pm - 1) Information for the CPD and parker on 1513's Beat. 2) Backlog in 15 at 17:36 hours.
5:37pm - Hold-up alarm. 5XX N Laramie.
5:39pm - Disturbance. 55XX W Flournoy. Males throwing tunder over the fence so that they roll onto the Eisenhower Expressway.
5:41pm - Missing person report. 49XX W Gladys. 16 year old was last seen yesterday at 22:30 hours (10:30pm).
5:45pm - Gang disturbance. 1700 N Luna.
5:46pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Oak Park. East towards Rutherford, a burgundy car side-swiped the caller's work truck.
5:52pm - 1) Found person. Laramie and Jackson. Found 3 year old. 2) 1523 has a street stop at 55XX W. Monroe, they're taking one in for a warrant as well.
5:53pm - Beat 2550 has Beats 2546 and 2548 detailed to the Conflict Zone, and he'd like an event number for it. It's 14771. He'd also like an event number for a curfew mission. That's 14775.
6:09pm - Burglar report and narcotics complaint on 2532's Beat.
6:16pm - Beat car 2534 is doing something at 42XX W. Haddon, and just heard six shots east of their location. Possibly around Division or Thomas and Keeler.
6:26pm - Holding the offender. 5001 W Madison.
6:36pm - Beat 2548 is taking one in from a street stop at 6200 W North Ave.
6:39pm - Shots Fired. Central and Jackson. Group shooting at another group running towards Columbus Park.
6:40pm - Robbery. Chicago and Cicero. At the Marathon gas station.
6:41pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 49XX W Altgeld. 34 year old bi-polar brother is going crazy.
6:50pm - Battery in progress. 4804 W Madison. Four to five people fighting at the Mobile gas station.
6:51pm - Foot chase. Foot chase. 3XX N Latrobe. Male Black, short dreads, 16 years old, black hat, white tanktop and black jeans is running south in the alley towards Fulton. Beat 1567 is chasing.
6:52pm - 1567 lost the offender in the 100 block of Latrobe. Last seen heading south. He went in one of the yards. Beat 1567Charlie is now on scene as well.
6:53pm - The offender was last spotted in the yards around 139 on Lockwood.
6:54pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Rils Park. 2) Beat 1567Adam is taking one in from a street stop at 5255 W. Madison, and is pulling an RD number for a "1821". It's HV347999 with the event number of 16200.
6:55pm - 1522 possibly saw a guy run into 148 on Latrobe who has a similiar description to 1567's offender.
7:00pm - Panic alarm. 50XX W Oakdale.
7:01pm - Battery. XX N Latrobe. Caller was attacked by the 3rd floor neighbors.
7:03pm - 1) Battery. 14XX N Kolin. Caller was hit by the landlord. 2) Beat 1571 has a traffic stop at 50XX W Quincy.
7:12pm - 1) Disturbance. 2100 block of N Lorel. Neighbors arguing. 2) Theft. 2200 N Cicero. At the car shop. A biege car was just stolen from there and went south on Cicero towards Dickens.
7:17pm - Wanted from the 2200 Cicero call is a male Black, 28 years old, black tanktop and black jeans.
7:21pm - Assault in progress. 2550 N Cicero. Person threatening the manager at the auto shop.
7:24pm - Beat car 2515 has a street stop at Linder and Drummond.
7:35pm - Narcotics. Maypole and LaPorte.
7:36pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Harding and Potomac. MLDs on the corner drinking. 2) Disturbance. 300 S Cicero. At the Citgo.
7:38pm - Foot chase. Foot chase. Lockwood and Madison. Running towards Monroe. Beat 1567Boy is in pursuit. Male Black, white shirt and blue jeans.
7:39pm - Now running towards Adams on Lockwood.
7:40pm - He's in one of the yards near Adams and Lockwood.
7:41pm - South again on Lockwoood, towards Jackson.
7:42pm - 1) Offender is in custody. 5241 W Adams. 2) Gang disturbance. Harrison Park. 15 to 20 males in white, red and black are drinking, throwing up gang signs, shouting gang slogans and doing drugs.
7:46pm - Burglar alarm. 8XX W Catalpa.
7:48pm - 10-1. 10-1. North Avenue Beach. Beat 41Charlie82Lincoln has a 10-1 over at the beach. All available cars in 18, as well as in 1, are advised to go.
7:49pm - A slow down is being given at the beach. Beat car 1814 and Beat 1863Boy are on scene and they have 41C82L.
7:50pm - Another slow down being given at the beach.
7:53pm - Found person. 4615 N Clifton. At the shelter. Five year old child was left there by his mother.
7:58pm - Barking dog. 41XX W Potomac.
8:08pm - Gang disturbance. Springfield and Potomac. Group harassing people out there.
8:38pm - Narcotics. Van Buren and Central.
8:48pm - Battery report. 50XX W Washington.
9:00pm - Police Helicopter 2 is pulling event numbers from 12XX N Mason and 13XX N Lorel. Mason is 19111 and Lorel is 19122.
9:39pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 15XX N LeClaire. Group in front. 2) Gang disturbance. 48XX W Deming.
10:02pm - Battery in progress. 5400 W Monroe. Group of five people fighting.
10:05pm - 1) A disregard is being given on the 10:02pm job per PH 2. Event number is 20351. 2) PH 2 is pulling event numbers for 56XX W. Washington, 2XX N Lavergne and 10XX N Lavergne. Washington is 20727 and the two Lavergnes are 20730 and 20737, respectively.
10:07pm - Shots Fired. 5908 W North Ave. Three shots fired.
10:14pm - Battery in progress. LeClarie and Washington. 20 males fighting in the street.
10:16pm - Shots Fired. North and Central Park. Three shots fired.
10:19pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:16pm job.
10:30pm - Beat 2546 has about 30 people fighting at Laramie and North Ave., in the BP gas station. More cars needed.
10:31pm - Multiple calls are popping up for 2546's incident. Battery in progress. Large fight going on near the intersection.
10:33pm - A slow down is being given at 2546's location per 2550.
10:35pm - Uh oh. Not good. I'm getting reports of a traffic pursuit that are coming towards the 15th District via the Eisenhower Expressway. CPD is in pursuit of a red motorcycle who's occupant is wanted for aggravated battery to a P.O. West on I-290 from California. Beat car 131Robert is in pursuit.
10:36pm - Now passing Kostner on I-290.
10:37pm - Passing Austin on I-290, going into Oak Park and Forest Park.
10:39pm - They lost the motorcycle. Eisenhower Expressway and Harlem. Last seen headed towards 1st Avenue.
10:40pm - Battery in progress. 1400 N LeClaire. About 300 people fighting on the corner, massive brawl.
10:43pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:40pm job. There's no fight going on.
10:45pm - Narcotics. Leamington and Gladys.
Labels: Chicago Crime Blotter Zone 12 13 11 4 2 District 12 15 18 20 25
tim you are doing a great thing and i am a single father and my boy has autism.what a insperation you can be for these kids keep it up :)
Anonymous, At
23/6/12 09:11
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