Timmy's Chicago Crime Blotter

Monday, December 26, 2011

Person Down Behind McDonalds On Fullerton

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:48pm. .

6:49pm - Person down. 800 W Fullerton. Behind the McDonalds, in the alley.

6:50pm - Disturbance. 25XX N Lincoln. Group of homeless people loitering in the foyer of the building.

6:52pm - Shots Fired. Jackson and Francisco. Four heard.

6:53pm - A slow down is being given on the 6:52pm job.

6:54pm - Beat car 1112 has a foot chase. Hamlin and Chicago. Male Black running north on Hamlin, towards Iowa.

6:57pm - Battery in progress. 1167 S State. At the Roosevelt Red Line subway. Teens fighting with bottles on the platform.

7:00pm - Traffic accident. Irving Park and Clark. Injures.

7:04pm - Disturbance. 3939 W 31st St.

7:30pm - Battery in progress. 5133 W North Ave. Two males fighting in the McDonalds. Security guard trying to break it up.

7:32pm - The 7:30pm call is now coming in as a 10-1. Officer calling it in. No further info...

7:33pm - A slow down is being given on the 7:30/7:32pm jobs. It's not a 10-1 and an officer did not call it in. It was the security guard. Also, shots were fired inside the McDonalds by the guard, so a Sergeant is needed.

7:39pm - Person stabbed. Grand and Division. Two people stabbed. Both CFD and CPD is needed on scene.

7:43pm - A disregard is being given on the 7:39pm job. It's on 11's side.

7:46pm - Beat 2540 is saying that the security guard is licensed, and that the detectives are talking to him.

7:47pm - EMS run. 22XX N Austin.

7:58pm - Missing person report. 53xx W Deming.

8:01pm - Battery in progress. 52XX W Congress. People fighting on the back porch.

8:08pm - Beat car 1532 has a traffic stop at Ferdinand and Laramie.

8:10pm - Disturbance. 59XX W Superior.

8:39pm - Open door. 7XX N Central.

9:21pm - Robbery. Cicero and Chicago. Male pushed a female down and stole her purse.

9:26pm - Speed chase. Speed chase. Division and Pine. Beat 1562Eddie is chasing a car that's heading south on Pine towards Thomas. No lights or sirens activated just yet.

9:27pm - The driver bailed. Pine and Augusta.

9:31pm - Person w/ a gun. 55XX W Drummond. A male and two females in the hallway of the building with a gun.

9:40pm - Beat 1581Adam is chasing a male offender on foot at Flournoy and Central. Heading west towards the ramp leading onto the Eisenhower Expressway.

9:41pm - Suspect is in custody. A slow down is being given.

9:42pm - A disregard is being given per 1582A.

9:43pm - 1) EMS run. 50XX W Schubert. 2) Beat 1582A needs 1571 to come to the CTA bus turnaround at Central and Harrison to transport an offender to 15. It's 1583A's offender. 1571 is heading over.

9:49pm - Beat 1563Adam has a foot chase at Maypole and LaCrosse. Heading in the alley towards Cicero.

9:50pm - 1563A has the offender in custody at 1XX N LaCrosse.

9:51pm - Vicious animal. 16XX N Tripp. Caller is trapped in the rear of this location because of a vicious pit bull nearby.

10:00pm - 1) EMS run. 56XX W West End. 2) Beat car 2533Robert has a traffic stop at Lavergne and Division.

10:02pm - An outside unit is reporting that an off-duty PO needs help at Fullerton and Narranganset. He's got an offender in custody and needs help securing him.

10:03pm - Person w/ a gun. 59XX W Diversey. Male Hispanic has a gun.

10:04pm - Robbery. Austin and Diversey. The Family Dollar at that corner was just robbed by two men with guns. Most likely related to the 10:03pm job.

10:05pm - A slow down is being given at Fullerton and Narranganset.

10:06pm - The Family Dollar offenders are fleeing towards Schubert in the alley between Austin and Mason. The offenders are about 5'8 to 5'9, about 175 to 200 lbs with dark clothing. They also have on ski masks.

10:13pm - A ski mask was just found in the backyard at 27XX N Austin. K9 being requested.

10:16pm - The offenders are possibly in a residence on the 2700 block of N Mason. CPD is going in.

10:18pm - The residence on Mason has been cleared.

10:23pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.



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