Timmy's Chicago Crime Blotter

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Large Crowd On N. Michigan Ave, Disturbance On Superior

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:58pm. .

7:00pm - Beat 4541Adam has a crowd of 40 kids running down Michigan from Pearson, headed up towards Delaware. Looks like they're fighting people.

7:01pm - 1) Disturbance. 420 E Superior. 2) 4541A says those kids are now approaching Oak on Michigan.

7:02pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 10XX W Thorndale. 2) Disturbance. 6400 N Sheridan. Man causing a problem in the lobby.

7:04pm - Disturbance. 4459 N Broadway. Group of ten loitering in front.

7:05pm - Disturbance. 1450 W Irving Park Rd.

7:09pm - EMS run. 111 S Canal. Man passed out.

7:11pm - Battery in progress. Gladys and Kilpatrick. Several males beating up on one.

7:15pm - Holding the offender. 6525 W Diversey. At the Target. Female shoplifter.

7:16pm - Beat 1510 was just flagged down at Central and Jackson by a citizen who says there's a large fight in progress inside Columbus Park, right off Central. About 100 people involved. We've got quite a few units assigned to the park today for the Taste of Austin, so this is probably from that. The people are coming towards Central.

7:17pm - 1510 wants the Wagon, Beat 1571, to come over.

7:18pm - Beat 1553 is giving a slow down over by Columbus Park. Beat 1567Adam is on scene as well.

7:19pm - 1553 and 1571 are on patrol now from Jackson to Harrison on Central.

7:20pm - Couple of narcotics and disturbances on the 20 sector in 15.

7:38pm - Battery in progress. Austin and Jackson. Two calls. 100 people fighting at the Taste of Austin.

7:39pm - Beat 1560 is giving a total disregard at the 7:38pm job.

7:42pm - Beat 2530 is at Amundsen Park with Beat cars 2513 and 2531, handling some sort of skirmish that’s going on at the basketball tournament.

7:43pm - Assault in progress. 1XX S Menard. Group of people trying to fight the caller.

7:45pm - Suspicious person. On 2521’s Beat.

7:52pm - Beat 4563 and his team are working the area of Potomac-Lavergne-Wabansia-Parkside. He has Adam through Eddie.

7:59pm - Assault in progress. 55XX W Gladys. People gathered in front to fight the family.

8:00pm - Shots Fired. 50XX W Nelson. One gunshot heard.

8:08pm - Beat car 2521 says that nothing happened at the 8pm call. 19Paul.

8:11pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Potomac and Kildare. 2) 1571 has a big fight going on at Central and Gladys. More cars needed immediately.

8:15pm - 1571 is giving a slow down at Central/Gladys. Units are on scene.

8:16pm - Beat car 1523 has an O.C. discharge at Central/Gladys.

8:20pm - Battery in progress. 5800 block of W Erie. Large group of males fighting.

8:23pm - 1553 and 1571 are going to stay at Central/Gladys.

8:28pm - In 15 and in 25, supervisors are giving Dispatch permission to code out anonymous disturbances and loud music calls. There is too much going on tonight.

8:43pm - EMS run. Augusta and Central. High female.

9:00pm - Battery in progress. Austin/Jackson. 100 people fighting again.

9:04pm - Beat car 1513 says that the fight at Austin/Jackson is over, for now.

9:14pm - Beat 1500, 15th District Commander, needs some units at Central/Jackson.

9:15pm - A slow down is being given at Central/Jackson.

9:17pm - Person stabbed. 350 N Central. At the Green Line station. Two people were stabbed by an unknown male.

9:18pm - Beat 4566 just had two males take off from him on the 100 block of N LaPorte. One was wearing a green shirt and tan pants, and another was wearing a black shirt. Possibly jumped the fence at 150. They’re wanted for PCS.

9:27pm - 1500 wants 1553 and 1571 to come over to Central/Jackson. The festival’s about to close.

9:28pm - Beat 1552 is headed over to 1500’s location, because 1553 is in the station on paper. 1550 is coming also.

9:39pm - Battery in progress. 12XX N Menard. After-block party fight.

9:43pm - Beat car 1511 needs another unit to meet them between Madison and Adams on Central. They’ve got a crowd jumping on people’s cars.

9:58pm - Parker. On 2534’s Beat.

9:59pm - Loud music disturbance. 52XX W Adams. In the backyard.

10:02pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 30XX N Nagle. 2) Suspicious vehicle. 38XX W North Ave.

10:03pm - 1) Shots Fired. LaFollete Park. Two gunshots heard. 2) Shots Fired. Lockwood and Crystal. Five shots fired. 3) Person w/ a gun. 17XX N Keystone. Male Hispanic with a red shirt just lifted it up and displayed a gun.

10:04pm - Battery. 58XX W Roosevelt. Neighbor was punched in the face by a guy blocking the driveway.

10:08pm - Shots Fired. 5300 W Potomac. Six heard.

10:09pm - Battery in progress. 5XX N Lavergne. Two men fighting with 20 people gathered.

10:20pm - 1) Person with a gun/robbery. Crystal and Kostner. Male Hispanic, tall, with a black and white durag, robbed the caller at gunpoint, then fled towards Kildare on Crystal. 2) Gang disturbance. 22XX N Kenneth.

10:21pm - Backlog in 25 at 22:21 hours.

10:25pm - Beat car 1133 has an on-view accident at Cicero and Washington.

10:26pm - Battery in progress. 5467 W Division. Teens fighting.

10:30pm - 1) Panic alarm. 27XX N Melvina. 2) Assault. 5657 W Fullerton. Woman was threatened. 3) Gang disturbance. 1700 block of N Lockwood.

10:44pm - Panic alarm. 5XX N Lavergne.

10:47pm - There’s a large crowd at Augusta and Menard that needs to be clear out. Beat 1555 and Beat car 1524 are coming.

10:52pm - Battery in progress. 5959 W Belmont. Fight in the store.

10:53pm - Shots Fired. 5300 W Palmer. Two cars shooting at each other. Event number is 18636.

10:54pm - Beat car 2511Robert is giving a slow down on the 10:52pm job.

10:59pm - Suspicious vehicle. 53XX W Parker. Car going up and down the alley, checking out the area.

11:03pm - 1) Battery in progress. Central and Harrison. Several females jumping on one. 2) Battery in progress. 5056 W Madison. Event number is 18873.

11:07pm - Police Helicopter #2 is over 5056 Madison and says there’s about 30 people on the ground, looking up at them.

11:21pm - Gang disturbance. Hirsch and Central.

11:24pm - 1) Disturbance. 2XX N Lorel. Teens loitering on the street. 2) Disturbance. 58XX W Augusta. People loitering.

11:25pm - Commercial alarm. 2650 N Narragansett. At the RadioShack.

11:26pm - Shots Fired. 22XX N Tripp. Several shots heard. Event number is 17537.

11:27pm - 1) Shots Fired. 22XX N Kenneth. 11 gunshots fired. Event number is 19459. 2) Beat car 2534 has a stop at 2100 N. Kenneth, needs another unit. Preferably a female. Beat car 2514Robert is coming over.

11:28pm - PH #1 is over the "Shots Fired" calls on Kenneth and on Tripp, saying that they're fireworks. They can see the fireworks being thrown up in the air.

11:31pm - Battery in progress. Karlov and Potomac. 20 people fighting.

11:33pm - Person Shot. XX S Parkside. Man shot, possible drive-by. Event number is 19516.

11:35pm - 1) Beat car 1512Robert has the Parkside victim. It’s bona fide. He’s in the alley behind 18 S Central. 2) Beat car 2533Robert has a big fight breaking out at Division and Keeler. More cars needed. Event number is 19602.

11:36pm - 1) Person Shot. XX S Central. Man shot in the alley. 2) 2533R is telling the units to step it up. It’s getting ugly over there.

11:37pm - We have two victims on Central. One is possibly dead, as he’s not breathing. Late teens to early 20s. Also, a slow down is being given at Division/Keeler.

11:45pm - 1) Shots Fired. 10XX S Monitor. Several gunshots fired. 2) Shots Fired. 52XX W Van Buren. Ten gunshots fired.

11:50pm - Assault in progress. Lotus and Quincy. Group about to fight. Event number is 19543.

11:54pm - 1) Shots Fired. 21XX N Mobile. Gunshots fired into the caller's home. 2) Shots Fired. 57XX W Augusta. Eight gunshots fired. 3) It's a homicide on the Central shooting. The RD number is HW412358 with the event number of 19516.

11:57pm - 1) Assault in progress. 12XX N Menard. People arguing in front. 2) Person w/ a gun. 21XX N Mulligan. Male Hispanic, 15 years old, with a faded mohawk and white t-shirt has a gun. He’s a gang member and with several others. He broke out the window at this location.

11:59pm - Shots Fired. Augusta and Massasoit. Several shots fired with 200 kids in the street dancing.



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