Parker On St. Louis, Disturbance @ Shabbona Park
Good morning, everyone, it's 8:52am. .
8:53am - Parker. 57XX N St. Louis. 2-door black vehicle is blocking the driveway.
9:35am - Disturbance. Shabbona Park (6935 W. Addison).
9:38am - EMS run. 72XX W Peterson. Combative elderly person.
9:40am - Disturbance. Horner Park (2741 W. Montrose). By the police memorial, there are 20 people with unleashed dogs, and the caller has a problem with one person in particular.
9:56am - Traffic accident. 4200 N Keeler. Two cars, no injures. In front of the church.
9:57am - Disturbance. 6360 W Higgins. Homeless man needs to leave the bank.
10:02am - Parker. 40XX N Kildare. Car blocking the driveway.
10:07am - Disturbance w/ a mental. 5806 W Higgins. 56 year old brother with issues refuses to come home. CFD is on the way.
10:15am - DUI driver. 3300 N Kildare. Traveling southbound towards Belmont is a black Honda with a possible plate of K602365 that has a man with no shirt on, caller thinks he's drunk.
10:18am - The 9:38am call is coded. Person went peacefully to the hospital on EMS #47.
10:33am - Parker. 4329 N Kedzie. Gold car partially blocking the driveway.
10:41am - Battery. 46XX W Wilson. 21 year old female choked the caller.
10:42am - Beat 1720 is requesting Dispatch to call the graffiti blasters for 2900 W Irving Park. It's on a masonry surface, in purple writing. It's below 6 feet.
10:44am - Beat car 1631 is on foot on the 3600 block of N. Osage, writing a few tickets.
10:46am - EMS run. 43XX N Central. Forced entry needed.
10:47am - Beat 1641 has a traffic stop at Milwaukee and Central, in the parking lot of the bank.
10:54am - 1) Parker. 42XX N Kedvale. Black limo on the residential street. 2) Parker. 44XX N Monitor. White van with ladders.
10:56am - Parker. 32XX N Osanam.
10:58am - EMS run. Lockwood and Dakin. Male, 33 years old, black jacket and jeans is feeling suicidal. He admits to using heroin.
11:04am - Traffic accident. 3300 N Cicero. Two cars.
11:07am - Speed chase. Speed chase. Belmont and Kolmar. A 25th District unit is attempting to catch up with the 10:15am car that was speeding in that area. It was spotted. This is per Beat 6759David.
11:08am - West on Roscoe from Kilbourn.
11:09am - West on Cornelia from Killpatrick. Approaching Cicero.
11:10am - OK, the car crashed, per Beat 1761David. Offender is in custody. Supervisor needed. 1720 is going. A slow down is being given.
11:13am - Beat 1671 is following EMS #81 from the 10:58am job to OLR Hospital. The guy seems okay but they'll talk to him.
11:26am - Beat 1720 wants to know what ambulance is taking an injured P.O. from the speed chase. It was a 25th District officer. EMS #47 is taking them to Resurrection North on Talcott.
11:27am - Parker. 4800 block of N Kimball. Cars in the 2 inch of snow tow zone.
11:33am - 25 is handling the speed chase incident, but 1731 is going to sit over there until they tow a squad car that was involved in an accident.
11:50am - Parker. 52XX N Spaulding. Sliver Nissan parked into the caller's driveway. Person who parked the car might be in the restrauant nearby.
11:54am - Beat 1741 has a traffic stop at Keeler and Lawrence.
11:59am - Beat 2461David needs a paper car at 49XX N Springfield regarding a stolen car that needs to be recovered.
12:01pm - 1) Animal bite. 5645 W Addison. At OLR, in the emergency room. 2) Parker. 47XX N Austin. Truck blocking the driveway. 3) Burglar alarm. 54XX N Christina.
12:05pm - Traffic accident. 34XX N Killpatrick. Related to the speed chase incident.
12:32pm - The RD number from the incident is HV117569.
12:43pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. 85XX W Rascher. 2) Traffic accident. 54XX W Waveland. Caller's car was struck.
12:58pm - Burglar report. 46XX N Austin.
1:37pm - Beat 1652 is doing a park check at Shabbona. Event number is 06784.
1:41pm - Animal abuse. 85XX W Catherine. Dog left in a blue vehicle with a plate of 68113.
1:45pm - Child abuse. 5645 W Addison. At OLR, in the emergency room.
1:49pm - Parker. 36XX N Bernard.
1:53pm - Beat 1740 is doing a premise check somewhere.
1:57pm - Traffic accident. 46XX N St. Louis. Three cars.
2:12pm - Disturbance. Irving Park and California. Male panhandling in front of a business.
2:33pm - EMS run. 35XX W Montrose.
2:34pm - Parker. 4200 block of N Bernard. Two white trucks on the residential.
2:50pm - Theft. 34XX N Keeler. White van in front with plastic on the back where the rear plate should be had something taken from it.
3:23pm - Holding the offender. 54XX W Montrose. Caller is holding two teens for throwing snowballs at their friend.
3:27pm - Beat 5621 is letting Dispatch know that the intersection of Spaulding and Berteau is super slick, and a few accidents may occur. Dispatch needs to notifiy Streets and San.
3:31pm - Hold-up alarm. 4825 N Austin. At the bank.
3:32pm - 5621 needs an assistance car at Cullom and Kimball. 1795 is being assigned to assist.
3:37pm - Beat 2061Charlie is with 5621.
3:38pm - Traffic accident. Ridgeway and Irving Park. Injures. CFD is rolling.
3:40pm - Traffic accident. Calatpa and Cicero. Property damage only.
3:44pm - Assault. 4251 W Irving Park. At the YMCA.
3:49pm - Parker. 57XX N Christina.
3:58pm - Beat 1795 is pulling an RD number from the 3:38pm accident. It's HV117857 with the event number of 09685.
4:03pm - Parker. 5400 block of N Nottingham. Permits.
4:04pm - Missing person report. 54XX N Kimball. Son is missing.
4:05pm - Disturbance. 4948 W Irving Park. Group of picketers are blocking the enterance to a store.
4:11pm - Support unit request. 39XX N Nora. Beat car 1323 has a woman's purse from this address. They're in the station.
4:13pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 33XX W Culyer. Some people are in the caller's yard and gangway, they're afraid to look outside.
4:14pm - The 4:05pm job is coded a 19Adam.
4:17pm - Battery in progress. 4340 N Keystone. Female family member of a resident is attacking the staff at the Elston nursing center.
4:25pm - 1) Residential alarm. 59XX N Kimball. 2) CTA bus alarm. 4056 N Pulaski. On CTA bus #1044, the slient alarm is sounding. Heading towards Irving Park.
4:29pm - Parker. On 1631's Beat.
4:30pm - Beat car 1723 has bus #1044 at Pulaski and Melrose.
4:31pm - A slow down is being given on the #1044 incident. It appears to be accidential.
4:33pm - Panick alarm/Check the well being. 51XX N Natoma.
4:34pm - Burglar alarm. 6200 W Patterson.
4:37pm - An RD number is being pulled from the 4:17pm job. It's HV117912 with the event number of 10331.
5:16pm - Hold-up alarm. 5813 N Milwaukee. At the bank.
5:18pm - Burglar alarm. 55XX W Grace.
5:34pm - Beat 1653 is doing a focus mission in the DOC area. Event number is 11523.
5:39pm - Parker. 54XX N Nordica. Permits.
5:40pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 37XX N Keeler. Irate tenant, something about wanting to file a report.
5:52pm - Loud music disturbance. 30XX W Leland.
5:54pm - Disturbance. 4210 W Belmont. Male with a box inside the new shoe store is being suspected of stealing shoes.
6:04pm - Beat car 1623 needs another car, no emergency, at Higgins and Harlem. 1613 is assigned to help, but 1631 is three blocks away.
6:12pm - 1) Parker. 37XX N Albany. Blue van parked by the hydrant. 2) Parker. 53XX N Christina. Car blocking alley. 3) Parker. 44XX N Monticello. Car blocking the driveway.
6:29pm - Residential alarm. 54XX W Cornelia.
6:43pm - Parker. On 2533's Beat.
6:48pm - Beat car 1712 is ordering up an evidence tech from a job they have on Citywide 2.
6:51pm - Beat car 1012 is doing a Community Concern at 4300 W Cermak.
8:06pm - Suspicious person. 4200 W Belmont. Male Hispanic, mohawk, black jacket threatened the caller, who's an employee at the Family Dollar at this location, where obviously this is all happening, and stated that he was "coming back" to rob the store. He was there earlier and has returned. The manager locked his/herself into the bathroom and the store doors are still open.
8:10pm - Beat car 1731 is chasing the 8:06pm offender. West on Melrose from Keeler.
8:11pm - Offender is in custody. 4205 W Melrose.
8:22pm - A 17th District unit has a traffic stop at Keystone and Lawrence.
8:28pm - Beat 1754 has a street stop at Montrose and Hamlin.
10:46pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Belle Plaine. In the Burger King parking lot.
10:52pm - Battery. 6935 W Irving Park. Caller was shoved.
10:53pm - Loud music disturbance. 39XX N Oriorle.
10:58pm - Loud music disturbance. 45XX N Keystone. Loud party with underage drinking.
11:07pm - Commercial alarm. 3002 W Montrose. At the daycare.
11:11pm - Wanted from a Criminal Sexual Assault of an 8 year old from the Bubbleand at Kimball and Elston is a male Hispanic, 20s, 5'7 to 5'9, 150-175 lbs, black baseball cap, black jacket and yellow sweatpants.
11:16pm - They're calling back on the 10:58pm job. They're now in the gangway, doing drugs.
11:17pm - Criminal damage. 36XX N Osceola. Car window was broken out.
11:24pm - Arson in progress. 4900 block of N Sawyer. Someone just set a car on fire.
11:27pm - Narcotics. On 1622's Beat.
11:46pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 43XX N Monticello. Two people went into the vacant apartment.
11:48pm - They're calling AGAIN on the 10:58pm job. 15 to 20 of them in the backyard, smoking and drinking.
11:53pm - Loud music disturbance. 43XX W Lawrence. Caller's complaining about Techno music nearby.
11:57pm - Loud music disturbance. 39XX N Oconto.
12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a good night, everyone.
8:53am - Parker. 57XX N St. Louis. 2-door black vehicle is blocking the driveway.
9:35am - Disturbance. Shabbona Park (6935 W. Addison).
9:38am - EMS run. 72XX W Peterson. Combative elderly person.
9:40am - Disturbance. Horner Park (2741 W. Montrose). By the police memorial, there are 20 people with unleashed dogs, and the caller has a problem with one person in particular.
9:56am - Traffic accident. 4200 N Keeler. Two cars, no injures. In front of the church.
9:57am - Disturbance. 6360 W Higgins. Homeless man needs to leave the bank.
10:02am - Parker. 40XX N Kildare. Car blocking the driveway.
10:07am - Disturbance w/ a mental. 5806 W Higgins. 56 year old brother with issues refuses to come home. CFD is on the way.
10:15am - DUI driver. 3300 N Kildare. Traveling southbound towards Belmont is a black Honda with a possible plate of K602365 that has a man with no shirt on, caller thinks he's drunk.
10:18am - The 9:38am call is coded. Person went peacefully to the hospital on EMS #47.
10:33am - Parker. 4329 N Kedzie. Gold car partially blocking the driveway.
10:41am - Battery. 46XX W Wilson. 21 year old female choked the caller.
10:42am - Beat 1720 is requesting Dispatch to call the graffiti blasters for 2900 W Irving Park. It's on a masonry surface, in purple writing. It's below 6 feet.
10:44am - Beat car 1631 is on foot on the 3600 block of N. Osage, writing a few tickets.
10:46am - EMS run. 43XX N Central. Forced entry needed.
10:47am - Beat 1641 has a traffic stop at Milwaukee and Central, in the parking lot of the bank.
10:54am - 1) Parker. 42XX N Kedvale. Black limo on the residential street. 2) Parker. 44XX N Monitor. White van with ladders.
10:56am - Parker. 32XX N Osanam.
10:58am - EMS run. Lockwood and Dakin. Male, 33 years old, black jacket and jeans is feeling suicidal. He admits to using heroin.
11:04am - Traffic accident. 3300 N Cicero. Two cars.
11:07am - Speed chase. Speed chase. Belmont and Kolmar. A 25th District unit is attempting to catch up with the 10:15am car that was speeding in that area. It was spotted. This is per Beat 6759David.
11:08am - West on Roscoe from Kilbourn.
11:09am - West on Cornelia from Killpatrick. Approaching Cicero.
11:10am - OK, the car crashed, per Beat 1761David. Offender is in custody. Supervisor needed. 1720 is going. A slow down is being given.
11:13am - Beat 1671 is following EMS #81 from the 10:58am job to OLR Hospital. The guy seems okay but they'll talk to him.
11:26am - Beat 1720 wants to know what ambulance is taking an injured P.O. from the speed chase. It was a 25th District officer. EMS #47 is taking them to Resurrection North on Talcott.
11:27am - Parker. 4800 block of N Kimball. Cars in the 2 inch of snow tow zone.
11:33am - 25 is handling the speed chase incident, but 1731 is going to sit over there until they tow a squad car that was involved in an accident.
11:50am - Parker. 52XX N Spaulding. Sliver Nissan parked into the caller's driveway. Person who parked the car might be in the restrauant nearby.
11:54am - Beat 1741 has a traffic stop at Keeler and Lawrence.
11:59am - Beat 2461David needs a paper car at 49XX N Springfield regarding a stolen car that needs to be recovered.
12:01pm - 1) Animal bite. 5645 W Addison. At OLR, in the emergency room. 2) Parker. 47XX N Austin. Truck blocking the driveway. 3) Burglar alarm. 54XX N Christina.
12:05pm - Traffic accident. 34XX N Killpatrick. Related to the speed chase incident.
12:32pm - The RD number from the incident is HV117569.
12:43pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. 85XX W Rascher. 2) Traffic accident. 54XX W Waveland. Caller's car was struck.
12:58pm - Burglar report. 46XX N Austin.
1:37pm - Beat 1652 is doing a park check at Shabbona. Event number is 06784.
1:41pm - Animal abuse. 85XX W Catherine. Dog left in a blue vehicle with a plate of 68113.
1:45pm - Child abuse. 5645 W Addison. At OLR, in the emergency room.
1:49pm - Parker. 36XX N Bernard.
1:53pm - Beat 1740 is doing a premise check somewhere.
1:57pm - Traffic accident. 46XX N St. Louis. Three cars.
2:12pm - Disturbance. Irving Park and California. Male panhandling in front of a business.
2:33pm - EMS run. 35XX W Montrose.
2:34pm - Parker. 4200 block of N Bernard. Two white trucks on the residential.
2:50pm - Theft. 34XX N Keeler. White van in front with plastic on the back where the rear plate should be had something taken from it.
3:23pm - Holding the offender. 54XX W Montrose. Caller is holding two teens for throwing snowballs at their friend.
3:27pm - Beat 5621 is letting Dispatch know that the intersection of Spaulding and Berteau is super slick, and a few accidents may occur. Dispatch needs to notifiy Streets and San.
3:31pm - Hold-up alarm. 4825 N Austin. At the bank.
3:32pm - 5621 needs an assistance car at Cullom and Kimball. 1795 is being assigned to assist.
3:37pm - Beat 2061Charlie is with 5621.
3:38pm - Traffic accident. Ridgeway and Irving Park. Injures. CFD is rolling.
3:40pm - Traffic accident. Calatpa and Cicero. Property damage only.
3:44pm - Assault. 4251 W Irving Park. At the YMCA.
3:49pm - Parker. 57XX N Christina.
3:58pm - Beat 1795 is pulling an RD number from the 3:38pm accident. It's HV117857 with the event number of 09685.
4:03pm - Parker. 5400 block of N Nottingham. Permits.
4:04pm - Missing person report. 54XX N Kimball. Son is missing.
4:05pm - Disturbance. 4948 W Irving Park. Group of picketers are blocking the enterance to a store.
4:11pm - Support unit request. 39XX N Nora. Beat car 1323 has a woman's purse from this address. They're in the station.
4:13pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 33XX W Culyer. Some people are in the caller's yard and gangway, they're afraid to look outside.
4:14pm - The 4:05pm job is coded a 19Adam.
4:17pm - Battery in progress. 4340 N Keystone. Female family member of a resident is attacking the staff at the Elston nursing center.
4:25pm - 1) Residential alarm. 59XX N Kimball. 2) CTA bus alarm. 4056 N Pulaski. On CTA bus #1044, the slient alarm is sounding. Heading towards Irving Park.
4:29pm - Parker. On 1631's Beat.
4:30pm - Beat car 1723 has bus #1044 at Pulaski and Melrose.
4:31pm - A slow down is being given on the #1044 incident. It appears to be accidential.
4:33pm - Panick alarm/Check the well being. 51XX N Natoma.
4:34pm - Burglar alarm. 6200 W Patterson.
4:37pm - An RD number is being pulled from the 4:17pm job. It's HV117912 with the event number of 10331.
5:16pm - Hold-up alarm. 5813 N Milwaukee. At the bank.
5:18pm - Burglar alarm. 55XX W Grace.
5:34pm - Beat 1653 is doing a focus mission in the DOC area. Event number is 11523.
5:39pm - Parker. 54XX N Nordica. Permits.
5:40pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 37XX N Keeler. Irate tenant, something about wanting to file a report.
5:52pm - Loud music disturbance. 30XX W Leland.
5:54pm - Disturbance. 4210 W Belmont. Male with a box inside the new shoe store is being suspected of stealing shoes.
6:04pm - Beat car 1623 needs another car, no emergency, at Higgins and Harlem. 1613 is assigned to help, but 1631 is three blocks away.
6:12pm - 1) Parker. 37XX N Albany. Blue van parked by the hydrant. 2) Parker. 53XX N Christina. Car blocking alley. 3) Parker. 44XX N Monticello. Car blocking the driveway.
6:29pm - Residential alarm. 54XX W Cornelia.
6:43pm - Parker. On 2533's Beat.
6:48pm - Beat car 1712 is ordering up an evidence tech from a job they have on Citywide 2.
6:51pm - Beat car 1012 is doing a Community Concern at 4300 W Cermak.
8:06pm - Suspicious person. 4200 W Belmont. Male Hispanic, mohawk, black jacket threatened the caller, who's an employee at the Family Dollar at this location, where obviously this is all happening, and stated that he was "coming back" to rob the store. He was there earlier and has returned. The manager locked his/herself into the bathroom and the store doors are still open.
8:10pm - Beat car 1731 is chasing the 8:06pm offender. West on Melrose from Keeler.
8:11pm - Offender is in custody. 4205 W Melrose.
8:22pm - A 17th District unit has a traffic stop at Keystone and Lawrence.
8:28pm - Beat 1754 has a street stop at Montrose and Hamlin.
10:46pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Belle Plaine. In the Burger King parking lot.
10:52pm - Battery. 6935 W Irving Park. Caller was shoved.
10:53pm - Loud music disturbance. 39XX N Oriorle.
10:58pm - Loud music disturbance. 45XX N Keystone. Loud party with underage drinking.
11:07pm - Commercial alarm. 3002 W Montrose. At the daycare.
11:11pm - Wanted from a Criminal Sexual Assault of an 8 year old from the Bubbleand at Kimball and Elston is a male Hispanic, 20s, 5'7 to 5'9, 150-175 lbs, black baseball cap, black jacket and yellow sweatpants.
11:16pm - They're calling back on the 10:58pm job. They're now in the gangway, doing drugs.
11:17pm - Criminal damage. 36XX N Osceola. Car window was broken out.
11:24pm - Arson in progress. 4900 block of N Sawyer. Someone just set a car on fire.
11:27pm - Narcotics. On 1622's Beat.
11:46pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 43XX N Monticello. Two people went into the vacant apartment.
11:48pm - They're calling AGAIN on the 10:58pm job. 15 to 20 of them in the backyard, smoking and drinking.
11:53pm - Loud music disturbance. 43XX W Lawrence. Caller's complaining about Techno music nearby.
11:57pm - Loud music disturbance. 39XX N Oconto.
12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a good night, everyone.
Labels: Chicago Crime Blotter Zone 1 12 10 District 10 16 17 25 Citywide 2
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