Summary And Radio Calls Of Mexican Independence Celebrations On Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012
Good morning, everyone, it's 11:40am. Before I talk any further, I'd like to set the background of this post and mention that it is not for today, nor it is me live-blogging. Instead, this is from Sunday, September 16th, 2012. I officially started listening to the radio at 9:48pm that evening, but I was listening on and off before then, starting around 8pm. Since I don't remember everything that happened before 9:48, I am going to give a basic summary of what I heard. Like I said, I started listening in after 9:48, and I have those calls available, so I will be posting them on here. This is from the Mexican Independence celebrations that took place in most parts of the 25th District on Chicago's Northwest side. It was a pretty warm and clear night that evening, and the radio was active in 25, due to all of the celebrations going on. So without further a do, here's the basic summary I promised, and the calls.
- There wasn't much going on when I first started listening around 8. Just the usual calls with disturbances, fights, etc. in the District and in 15. But starting around 8:30pm or so is when things started getting hectic. 25 had started getting reports of groups of people acting up on Fullerton, mostly in the Lockwood-Laramie corridor. These people were on the corners, waving flags, jumping into the street, throwing up gang signs, etc. As was clear to many officers this night, Beat 2515 was the epicenter of all of the activity.
- As we progressed into the 8:45 time-frame, the activity started expanding south and west into the area around Hanson Park. The groups went west on Fullerton from Lockwood to Parkside, and onto the 2200 and 2300 blocks of N Lorel-Lockwood. The 2400 block of N Parkside became a problem around 9pm as well.
- Starting around 9:15, the activity on Fullerton became one huge problem at the corner of Fullerton and Central, with a group of 100 to 150 in the street, blocking traffic, waving the flags, throwing bottles, gang activity, etc. Eventually, Beat 2590, a Lieutenant, asked officers to shut down the street and set up barriers. Traffic was diverted.
- Between 9:15 and 9:30, the activity started spreading north and east into Beats 2521 and 2514, once people involved realized that Fullerton west of Laramie was a no-go. The intersection of Diversey and Lavergne became a problem, as did Diversey and Linder. The activity also went back east on Fullerton, this time past Laramie. The activity spared the 5100 and 5000 blocks of Fullerton for the most part, but the activity started overspreading the 4900 and 4800 blocks of Fullerton, with their goal of overtaking the corner of Fullerton and Lamon. Their ultimate plan, it appeared, was to take over Fullerton and Cicero.
- By 9:45, there was widespread activity on Fullerton between Parkside and Cicero. New activity also started springing up at Fullerton and Mango, Fullerton and Monitor, and the 6000 to 6200 blocks of W Fullerton, around Rils Park, into Beat 2512.
- The main streets were not the only ones with activity. Some side street corners had activity, too, particularly on 2514's Beat. The following blocks/corners had problems: Linder from Diversey to Wrightwood, Schubert/Long, Parker/Long, Drummond/Lockwood, and Montana/Laramie.
- And then....
9:50pm - Beat 2590 needs a couple of cars to block off traffic at Montana and Cicero.
9:54pm - Beat 2599 is asking for Beat 2500, 25th District Commander, to call him at his convience regarding a manpower update.
9:55pm - Beat 1550 is asking Beat 1554 to meet him at Lamon and Fullerton, but they're blocking off traffic at Fullerton and Cicero.
9:57pm - 2500 wants 2590 to meet him at Fullerton/Cicero.
9:59pm - First Watch Backlog in 25 at 21:59 hours.
10:01pm - 2590 is opening up Cicero, but Fullerton is to stay closed. Units are to also standby.
10:03pm - 2500 wants Beats 41Nora20 and 1440 to keep their guys at Fullerton/Cicero to make sure people stay on the sidewalks.
10:04pm - Beat 6750Charlie is telling 2590 that there's a crowd at Cicero and Diversey near the shopping mall. They're not causing any problems, but they're there.
10:06pm - Beat car 2514 is writing some tickets at Diversey and Lavergne.
10:09pm - 2590 wants to know where Beat cars 2521 and 2525 are. 2521 is at Fullerton/Cicero and 2525 is at Killpatrick and Fullerton, blocking traffic.
10:11pm - 1) Fire. 2310 N Cicero. Three-flat building on fire. 2) Person w/ a gun. 2400 N Cicero. Five male Blacks in a white car showed a gun out the car window. They fled towards Montana on Cicero.
10:12pm - The 2310 Cicero call is a 16Adam.
10:16pm - Beat 4547Boy is coding out the 2400 Cicero call as 19P.
10:17pm - Person w/ a gun. Diversey and Central. Male Hispanic with a white hat and red jeans has a gun. Group of gangbangers are there too.
10:19pm - Beat 2566 needs a marked car at Cicero/Diversey.
10:21pm - 2514 has a traffic stop at 53XX W Diversey.
10:22pm - 2590 wants a car to meet him at Lavergne and Diversey.
10:23pm - Shots Fired. Lavergne/Diversey. Two shots heard in the area.
10:24pm - 1) Fire. 5637 W Grand. Truck. 2) Gang disturbance. Belmont and Cicero.
10:33pm - 2590 is opening up Fullerton from Major to Laramie. Everything else east of there has to remain closed.
10:47pm - 2590 needs a car to block off Killpatrick and George for diverted traffic.
10:51pm - Burglary. 25XX N Austin.
10:52pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 2932 N Melvina. People entering the vacant building through the back.
11:02pm - 2590 is opening up Fullerton to Lamon. Everything else has to remain closed.
11:04pm - Beat 4546Charlie has a traffic stop at 2209 N Cicero. Event number is 20166.
11:08pm - I'm going to go for the night. I'll be back tomorrow or sometime in the week. Good night, everyone.
Labels: Chicago Crime Blotter Zone 12 District 25 Mexican Independence Day
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