Timmy's Chicago Crime Blotter

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Welcome To My Chicago Crime Blotter Page!

Hello everyone, welcome to my Chicago Crime Blotter page! I'm Tim (A.KA. Timmy), the creator of this blog. You may know me from the Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter. This blog is about the crime in the city of Chicago. I was inspired by my current blog, in addition to the "Broken Heart of Rogers Park" (made by Craig Gernhardt), "Chicago News Report" (made by Timothy Fitz), and the "Edgewater Crime Blotter" to create this blog. Those blogs are very good with details of crime in specific areas, but however, I would like to showcase ramdom calls that come into Chicago's 911 Center for most of the city, rather than just a specific neighborhood, so that's why I created this blog.

About me: I am an 18 year old male, with a condition known as autism. I attend Sullivan High School (about to graduate next year), in the Rogers Park neighborhood. My hobbies outside of blogging are watching TV, going out on weekends to travel to various places in Chicago (also to take photographs of CTA buses, my favorite hobby of all time), being with family and friends, and being on the internet.

I am a nice person, but I won't take crap from nobody in comments on this blog. Any discrimation or hate in the comments will NOT be tolerated. Also, comments regarding crime are welcome at ANY time, but again, please, no racism or hate.

Most information on this crime blotter will be coming from my police scanner. I may post articles from different news sources at times, though.

I will be covering most of the Chicago Police radio system, with the exception of Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 most times. I can definitely pick up the rest of the Zones, but my information will especially be coming from Zones 1, 3 and 12, since those Zones the ones I monitor the most, but I will try to have crimes from other Zones posted up at least once a day. Though, just an FYI: This blog will most likely not be done everyday. I will try my best to do it day after day and keep it updated, but that is not a definite promise.

I hope everyone is well informed of crime in their neighborhood by reading this blotter. And, if you can, enjoy!

- Tim A.K.A Timmy



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